
Familysearch website is a free resource that has information on records of birth, baptisms, marriages, burials and death (BMB/D) resources from the world. Many entries are information donated by members of the church. Newer records have been extracted by a team of volunteers. This process is still a working process of which Familysearch are always looking for volunteers to index. If you interested in volunteering, you can apply through this link Follow the instructions on screen and in no time you are good to go.

In the meantime, there are millions of records and many thousands of images of registers and certificates uploaded for countries such as Jamaica. At present I have not located images of BMB/D records for countries such as Trinidad, Grenada, St Kitts, Nevis, St Lucia, Antigua, St Vincent and Barbados – pretty much for most of the Caribbean countries. However available for Barbados are vital events from 1850s.

Types of information the site holds for Caribbean countries are mainly through immigration records from Caribbean to United States of America and Europe.

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Hello fellow researchers

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